Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pool League

Ok, I have lost my Top Gun status though I had won all my games previously. I won yesterday's game too. Just so I dont have to show up the day before thanksgiving played the make-up game for next week and finally broke my winning sequence. I LOST!! Dang, this guy I was beating up at regular games(his skill level is higher), he is a good player, just that the ignominy of losing to lesser skilled player always got to him and he would lose. But last night, I was at the receiving end. It was 2-3 handicap and first game was even battle. Second he breaks, and I clean up 6 balls and only have one and the 8-ball. It goes back and forth and finally I miss the 8-ball to hand him the game. Similar fate on the last game, I scratched on an easy ball and he completed the rest.

Actually the reason I brought up this post is to rant about my top gun status. There are a bunch of Asians (guess Koreans) at the league. An entire team is made up of them and there is atleast one on each team(excluding mine). So the top gun now is this Asian girl who was 2 points behind prior to last week's game. The Asian team's best player is 7 skill level(SL highest) and I have seen him play he is like a rock. So somehow they end up getting paired and loses to her (SL4) and she rakes up 7 points to go past me. Well, I would never know if he threw the game for her so that she becomes Top Gun. Yes, the thought seems silly but after having seen them both play before this, I will say my doubts are legitimate.

As a team we won 3 games last night and lost 1. We were short one player and would have forfeited like before but luckily the team we played were kind enough to play up today or tomm before the scoresheets are turned in. If we win that, thats only the second time we beat a team 4-1.

Being the captain to protect my SL6, I threw my SL2 under the bus by pitching her against a SL7 player. She got slaughtered, I am glad she took one for the team and thats sportsmanship. Else we would have been at probably 2-2.